Author: vboboe
Date: 2008-09-22 02:51
Is that the Allegro moderato = 104 in Gekeler II, p. 12?
This is a lovely little Bmin piece, i love it mostly because it lends itself to some expressively spaced allargando and paced accelerando, and i do have fun with the G slur-off in Bar 14, and the sassy forte 8ve leap/drop in finale bar, all forte and articulated slightly differently
however, i'm still unclear on this grupetto, it has a # over it too, meaning upper note is affected, huh? and it's still unclear to me because the grupetto is printed between notes, so is that before or after the note to be turned? (do we turn the quarter note B or is it actually the dotted 8th D?)
what 32nd notes are you playing after the quarter note B?
how are you doing with all the < <> > ?
Whew, nowhere to take a breath from bar 21 on, how you doing with that?
I can see alternate whiff & puffs at ends of phrases, and maybe a snatch after the half note B (bar 31) but this one really tests one's air support by the end eh?