The Clarinet BBoard
Author: claaaaaarinet!!!!
Date: 2011-06-30 01:34
Of equal or greater interest to me would be the new five volume edition of the method itself that is alluded to as forthcoming. Or is it included with the analysis?
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Author: hartt
Date: 2011-06-30 15:56
I was aware Anthony was working on this. Early last year, Bob Spring mentioned that a friend was doing his Doctorate on this ......commentary, editing and corrections.
Regarding Anthony's 're-make' of the volumes (the original edition is comprised of 2 volumes ; approx 500 pages).........while working on this project, he was also in personal / legal contact with Schirmer, the publisher, for reprint permission.
Schirmer, in turn, needs to contact Leon / Penelope's estate....their 2 children for publication permission.
I understand that in past years the estate, for whatever reason(s), would not give reprint permission. Schirmer has been approached by many individuals and despite these requests, would not take the issue further.
I do not know if this permission was more recently obtained and granted
I have a call into Bob Spring to ascertain additional info.
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Author: mrn
Date: 2011-06-30 17:56
DavidBlumberg wrote:
> I remember there being someone who claimed to be his daughter
> who was releasing a digital copy of it.
> Anyone ever find out if it was legit?
Here's the thread:
A quick Google search of the e-mail and name, cross-checked with the ISP location leads me to believe it's legit. But it's not his daughter--it's his grandson. His name is Jesse Russianoff, and he apparently plays baseball at Palm Beach State College.
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Author: hartt
Date: 2011-06-30 19:08
This college student, Jesse Russianoff, may have a valid surname, email, ISP.
I am not familiar with Publication law or Estate law.
However, under these circumstance, does authority for reprint (including digital) come from an estate's executor or any family member?
Perhaps someone with legal knowledge can address this publication /re-print / copy right issue.
(as an aside...........I took lessons from Leon during the mid / latter 60's & summers thereafter. Leon developed the content of these method books over decades of teaching. The books were published in 1982 and had only one printing. As far as I know, they were available for sale thru him personally and via his ad in the Clarinet Magazine. Other sources may have been through cohorts , etc.
Point.......he passed away 8 years later, 1990. Surprisingly, he did not have them reprinted during this period nor did he even make a provision for reprinting in the future...........a thought to ponder).
Thomas Piercy, a teaching ass't. to Leon may have knowledge of this aspect.
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Author: mrn
Date: 2011-06-30 20:34
hartt wrote:
> This college student, Jesse Russianoff, may have a valid
> surname, email, ISP.
> I am not familiar with Publication law or Estate law.
> However, under these circumstance, does authority for reprint
> (including digital) come from an estate's executor or any
> family member?
I am a lawyer with experience in copyright law. Copyrights can be devised by will or pass by inheritance like any other property, so who owns the copyright will depend on whether Leon Russianoff had a will and, if not, what the applicable state law (New York in Leon Russianoff's case, I assume) says regarding inheritance. On one of the sites I visited, Jesse mentioned that his father is deceased.
That would suggest that perhaps Jesse owns an interest in the copyright to the Russianoff Method--if that's the case, he can make copies of the work as he pleases, as long as any royalties/profits he makes he divides with the other copyright owners according to their interests.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2011-06-30 22:17
It's really a shame that the original Russianoff Clarinet Method is no longer widely available.
The books contain a tremendous amount of sound clarinet teaching principles and concepts, obviously compiled from a lifetime of instruction.
The generous use of many orchestral excerpts as well as selected exercises make this set of books a must for your library.
I use my volumes quite frequently with students and can see the effect on their playing.
Here's hoping the books soon come back into print.
In the mean time, if you ever see the books for sale, (although some sellers have asked outrageous prices) don't miss the opportunity to purchase them.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2011-07-01 04:07
That should be an interesting thesis. I studied with Russianoff from 59 to 62 and found him to be everything the writer said he was. I don't remember him being depressed at that time though, he was always so upbeat when I was around him. He was always so supportive and encouraging and did indeed make his lessons individual. His biggest strength, in my opinion, was that he was not interested in making clones. Those that studied with him may recall the "bag" of mouthpieces. Never wanted all his students to play the same brand or facing. As a matter of fact, he sold me the mouthpiece he was currently using when I dropped mine the day of a performance and asked him if he had one in stock, he said no but I could have his. At the time we both used a Wells #2, I was his only student that was using that brand, I had actually bought it from a Blayman student that was changing to a Blayman mouthpiece. When I showed up with it at a lesson he said, that's what I've been playing on lately. Before that I had changed MPs about four times, I kept that one for about 10 years. Great teacher, great musician, great human being. ESP
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Author: hartt
Date: 2011-07-01 04:27
Ed wrote..........I don't remember him being depressed at that time though, he was always so upbeat when I was around him.
I do not recall the date but his depression set in when his studio was broken into. Without an alarm, the thieves could take their time and virtually cleaned out the studio. Not only did he lose his inventory of saleable clarinets but also his beloved clarinet collection that took decades to collect.
He became very despondent and the lack of insurance compounded the situation. Numerous people tried to 'cheer him up' but to no avail. His second wife, Penelope, a world class Therapist and Psychology Professor at Columbia Univ, also tried, with little effect.
In a long ago convo I had with Bob Borbeck, he mentioned that at the time, some of his old students would come stop by and offer encouragement. One in particular was Stan Drucker.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2011-07-01 16:04
That break in must have been after I studied with him because I don't recall anything about that. I did visit him from time to time after I graduated but somehow never heard about the break in or his depression. The last time I saw him was after he had moved to his new studio. We were going to have lunch together a year or so later but he had to cancel. I can't recall the dates other then I graduated in 62 and left for Halifax NS. ESP
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Author: vjoet
Date: 2011-07-01 22:46
Several years ago I faxed Shirmer a request to photocopy the method for my own personal use. It was promptly granted, and I have both the volumes in binders, along with the written authorization.
Vann Joe
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Author: Tom Piercy
Date: 2011-07-05 13:52
RE: Hartt comment about Russianoff Method:
"Point.......he passed away 8 years later, 1990. Surprisingly, he did not have them reprinted during this period nor did he even make a provision for reprinting in the future...........a thought to ponder)."
As an assistant to Leon during the last years of his life, I know he planned on having the methods reprinted.
I have several of the method books with his and my markings for his suggested corrections, edits and additional material. Unfortunately, he passed away before these made it to the publisher.
Tom Piercy
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