Author: mosh
Date: 2007-03-05 21:55
Hi Howard (and others)
As a final follow up...
In Australia there is really only 1 current profesional who is playing from what would be called the American school (ie. long scrape reeds) Joel Marrangella who is the Principal of the West Australian Symphony in Perth, I had a few lessons from him about 10 years ago, a great player, he studied in Paris and then in New York.
The rest of all professionals are from a combination of the English, German and French school. Most of the principal players in Australia have studied with players like Holliger, Indermuhule, Bourge etc.
I also think the two main influences in the past 40 years came from Jiri Tancibudek, who taught many of the current principal players around ( see the ADRS site for a tribute to him ), and also in more recent memory Anthony Camden (ex. London Symphony) who was in Queensalnd for many years and brought the more modern English playing style to Aust. in the 80's & 90's.
If there was a current "influence" on Australian playing in the last 10 years there is no doubt that this would be Diana Doherty, she may not be one of the full time major teachers here (at the moment), but she has released many CD's, is a busy soloist as well as orchestral player, commissioned new Australian works and taken masterclasses across the country on a regular basis.
Hope this is enough of a brief history...