Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2007-01-18 19:18
Just one further note:
My teacher is a Loree player; her husband (oboe prof. at a major midwestern university) also plays Loree, but at one point decided he would switch to Covey. He owns one (which I have played) that is just a couple of serial numbers away from mine. As I understand the story, he really, really loves the Covey, but decided that it felt just enough different from his Lorees that it might create confusion for his fingers if he were to switch back and forth.
My backup oboe is a Loree, and while I notice a slight difference in the keywork, I don't find switching back and forth to be problematic at all. Guess my fingers aren't that sensitive, or set in their ways. Of the two instruments, I prefer the Covey -- it is ergonomically more comfortable, and then there is that deep, sweet, clarity of sound . . .
At the risk of confusing the issue, I'd also say that the Yamaha 841 was a also very comfortable instrument, and I have heard from a couple of folks that the Buffet Greenline also has marvelous keywork.