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 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D
Author: vboboe 
Date:   2006-10-28 23:16

Help ... continuing on this forked F theme with A-flats and such, here's a really pretty melodic line that's got me helplessly finger tangled at the moment, what finger by finger sequences would you folks recommend to practice meticulously slowly?
... unable to ask my oboe teacher until second week November & band director hasn't a clue about oboe fingering
... takes old fingers months of work (not weeks) to get something like this nailed, so have to start now

basic conservatory intermediate instrument, no Ab/Bb or Db/Eb keys

4/4 time, Key Sig Bb but incidentals make it 5 flats, mod rock tempo
*** forte woodwind melodic line 2 flutes 2 clarinets et moi ***

last half of lead-in bar to tough bar is
4 16ths C' Bb' Ab F
2 8ths Gb F
(all those notes are a slurred phrase)
(and i've just about got this right in basic fingering, the Ab to basic F is the messiest step)

The Tough Bar is
1 8th Gb (Tongued)
2 16ths F Gb (Tongued slur phrase, continues ...)
2 8ths Ab Bb (slur, cont'd)
4 16ths Ab' Gb' F' Eb' (Tongued to slur, and...)
2 8ths Db' Eb' (slur, cont'd)

That's followed by 2 bars of
1 whole tied note to dotted half & a quarter
all trilled D Natural to Eb

(yeah, isn't it a pretty little theme?)

I just can't seem to find any relatively easy and clean combination for the upper register descending 16ths run in particular, seem to get all tangled during the transition from ascending Ab Bb to Ab' then descending into Gb', F' squeak, left Eb' bleah whazzat, right Db' mumble, left Eb'??? bloop ... ACK!

And all this is to rock along with a lilt too ?!?

[(:-] ???

Thanks folks

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JRJINSA 2006-10-23 13:52 
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doublereeder2 2006-10-23 15:05 
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Chris P 2006-10-23 15:06 
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sylvangale 2006-10-23 15:15 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
d-oboe 2006-10-23 16:56 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
DressedToKill 2006-10-23 18:38 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
JRJINSA 2006-10-23 18:38 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
vboboe 2006-10-24 02:01 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
Chris P 2006-10-24 13:25 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
vboboe 2006-10-25 02:54 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
Chris P 2006-10-25 11:05 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
vboboe 2006-10-26 06:30 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  
vboboe 2006-10-28 23:16 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
Chris P 2006-10-28 23:32 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
vboboe 2006-10-29 03:08 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
vboboe 2006-10-30 05:30 
 Re: Fingering for an A flat that precedes an F that precedes a D  new
cjwright 2006-10-29 12:17 

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