Author: cjwright
Date: 2006-10-29 12:17
Just seems like you're running up and down a Dflat major scale. Do you practice your Dflat major scale regularly? Even without left F, it doesn't seem like you need to do anything weird (only one forked F I counted.) What do you mean "no Dflat to Eflat key". You can't hold Left hand Eflat, and then press down the dflat key to produce a dflat without releasing left hand Eflat? Seems like this fingering is basic.
Only fingering confusion might be
4 16ths Ab' Gb' F' Eb' (Tongued to slur, and...)
2 8ths Db' Eb' (slur, cont'd)
going Aflat to Gflat, and then F natural (using left hand eflat, or no eflat if you have a decent forked F resonance key) to Eflat, then dflat and back to eflat. If you're lazy, you wouldn't even have to release left hand eflat to play dflat. I've never heard of an oboe where you have to release left hand eflat to play dflat.
If your trouble is fingering, try different practicing it at different rhythms (tonguing all notes, and playing them regardless of the written rhythm as dotted eights, connected to sixteenth notes, and then switching to sixteenth notes first, connected to dotten eight notes, then all of them as 16th notes, using a metronome and speeding everything up after you can do all of the above at a sub-tempo speed)