Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2006-07-07 02:14
I realized after putting up my previous post here that perhaps we haven't answered David's question at all. Interesting how the mind goes its own way sometimes.
I am quite sure that different listeners would categorize the sound of the individuals listed in David's question differently, depending on a whole lot of variables (including whether the impression was gathered from live playing, or from recordings only, and whether from many hearings on different works, or from a limited exposure).
Of the three listed (De Lancie, Mack, Koch), I have seriously listened only to John Mack. I do have a CD of De Lancie, but the reproduction quality is not the best, and probably not representative of his sound. I have not listened to Koch, except for excerpts.
In my opinion, Mack has certainly the sweetest, lightest, smoothest sound -- very fluid. De Lancie's is more like Mack's than like Koch's, without question, but seems a tad edgier (or is it due to recording technology that emphasizes the high partials?). Koch's sound, of course, is very German -- heavier, "grainier", a kind of meat-and-potatoes sound, if you will. All of these are great players.
Here's a link to a site that has lots and lots of clips of outstanding oboists, categorized by nationality, for further comparison and contrasting:
Happy listening!