Author: Dutchy
Date: 2006-03-13 01:57
It has come to my attention (Evelyn Rothwell) that I'm not supposed to be stopping the tone by tonguing, because it goes "thut". Well, she's right, it goes "thut". My bad.
So Gekeler (whose Book 1 I just got hold of) says I'm supposed to just "stop blowing", making it sound perfectly simple, but when I do that, the tone dies away with a pathetic little mooing noise.
So I experimented to see how I stop the tone when I sing, and it's by my larynx, not by just "stopping blowing".
So I tried using a glottal stop with the back of my tongue--"kkk"--to stop the tone, and it's just weird, and is not really working.
So I tried inhaling a tiny bit in order to stop the tone, which does away with the pathetic little mooing noise, but it makes me have too much air in my lungs and is uncomfortable.
So what's the secret to stopping the tone?