Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2006-02-11 16:38
Kelly --
Hope you've solved the problem by now, but in case you haven't, here's my .02 . . .
I think you are talking about the blue steel "needle" type springs, am I right?
On my Covey, the second spring seems to go behind the peg, just like the one below it. It appears to be inserted on the south side into a small hole or receptacle, and then goes straight north, behind the peg.
I think you might need to guard against bending the spring too much, but otherwise, I would say, just push it back with your fingers, or a forceps or tweezer-like tool.
If you have time, you might ask this question on the Clarinet Board -- lots of repair-types hang out there, and some of them probably know oboes, too.
Best of luck!