Author: Oboegal
Date: 2005-11-25 14:42
Thanks everyone!
Usually, I sit in front of a mirror and make sure my embouchure's stable. I used to 'bite', but stopped after a temporary tutor told me I was doing the wrong thing. I don't have the means of hiring a tutor to help me with my oboe playing, school's tight on band budget.
I'm using a Loree currently, one that's passed down from my senior. The reeds i get are from the local associate principal oboe player in the local symphony. I called him up a few moments ago and he's going to scrap my reeds on sunday, hopefully it'll be better. =)
Maybe it's my embouchure? Usually, I set the tip of the reed on my bottom lip, then roll my lips inwards, tightening the corners, making it firm but relax in the grip, but after some time, my embouchure will start to tense up. =/
I haven't had many contact with oboists from other schools except for a few and on the net. All the oboe tones i heard are from recordings and in a few concerts I attended.
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! I'm going back to school tomorrow and try out the embouchure vboboe mentioned and playing on the tip suggested by GMac. I tried the sucking of the reed before, it helps to dry the reed a little, making it somehow easier to control. =)
Another question, during solos, are you supposed to play in a manner such that you can be heard? Even though it's written piano. What about during in rehersals? Normal melodies with the other woodwind sections? My seniors are complaining that I play too softly and can't be heard at all. Am I supposed to blend into the rest of the woodwind section, particularly the flutes, or to stand out from the other woodwind instruments?
Again, Thank you so much for giving so many great suggestions. =)
P.S: fjozn, I think I know who you are, because I think we used to talk on the mIrc. =)