Author: JMarzluf
Date: 2011-09-27 19:24
What a great article! Thanks, J! Whether or not you prefer one tuning over another (which is, as saxmad stated, probably based on prolonged exposure), what you must admit, after hearing the embedded examples, is that there IS a significant difference between one tuning and another. And the effect, ultimately, is an emotional one for the listener (at least for me it is). If Beethoven's original "Pathètique" was a bit more somber, because of a more "dead" sounding scale, then that is valuable information that may very well influence performers, even on a modern equal-tempered instrument. The idea, as put forth by JRC, that we should divorce ourselves from a concern for tuning, in favor of "sounding more musical" is, in my opinion, a bit dangerous. In my opinion, tuning can and should be looked at as an additional emotive tool, not as something restrictive.
Post Edited (2011-09-27 19:36)