Author: hautbois francais
Date: 2010-09-12 06:18
It would be very hard to keep everything constant, even if you just used the same reed, there is only so much science that you can do to characterize the sound. Even in the production of a sound that you want, ultimately some art to reed making, or the way you play.
For eg, it would be hard to write a spec book for reeds to make a particular sound that you want. No 2 reeds are ever alike even for a similar sound. And keeping the reed consistent is more like keeping the sound consistent more than anything else. That is where the skill and art lies, your craftsmanship, your ear, to make things as consistent for the sound you want.
I have tried 2 Marigaux, using the same reed, my ears tell me there are small differences in sound. And I compared with say a Loree, my ears can definitely hear distinct differences. Also, I did compare the Marigaux against an older used and seasoned Marigaux, the sound is quantum leaps darker, deeper hollow sounding, than a new Marigaux. Of course, hearing is also subjective, another person doing the same experiment may not hear what I hear.
Yes, it is tough work to characterize, quantify and later qualify something very subjective like sound.