Author: Dutchy
Date: 2006-09-22 19:41
The Hal Leonard Essential Elements Book 3 has just introduced trills in their little 16-bar teaching pieces, but without telling me how I'm supposed to play them. I understand from reading old threads that I'm supposed to start on either the upper or lower note and then trill either up or down either a whole or half step (can't remember whether it's "Baroque 'n' Classical Up" or "Baroque 'n' Classical Down"), but what I need to know is, how fast am I supposed to do it? Do I just twiddle my fingers really fast at some random speed, or is there a subdivision of the beat that's considered standard, like do I play it as 32nd notes or 16th notes for the duration of the beat, or what?
There is also a trill on a high F in Sousa's El Capitan, which I am slowly learning (slightly simplified school band arrangement), and I'd like to know how to play that one, too. Do I play F-F# , or F-G , or F#-F , or G-F, and how fast?