The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: L Skopitz
Date: 2002-04-20 04:58
Does anyone know anything about the make of my c clarinet? The brand is Henri Alexandre, Paris France, and I suspect it has something to do with Selmer. I think it plays well, and my teacher, Howie Leess as well as my repair guy tell me it's not a bad horn, but a retailer in Witchita suggested I use it for a doorstop. I use the horn for playing from c charts and it is a lot of fun. However, all the pieces I have memorized are in b-flat which I play on my r-13. At least I can delve into the complete klezmer and Klez plus books without having to transpose.
my clarinet new |
L Skopitz |
2002-04-20 04:58 |
Mark Pinner |
2002-05-07 06:50 |
The Clarinet Pages