The Doublers BBoard
Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-06-15 00:59
I don't know how many people check these doubling boards. I bet more of my friends from the Oboe and Clarinet boards with come in here, but if there are any true doublers here, here it goes. Of course anyone else is welcome to post as well:
I am on the long hard journey of playing virtually every woodwind instrument ever invented (within usable means of course). Basically, this extends from the usual woodwind doubler instruments and then to folk instruments. In general I will leave out most early instruments (that being said, I just picked up recorder), as they don't seem to be prominent in the circle of musicals. Folk instruments however seem to be becoming more present, and I hope this is a way to get a foot in the door in an ever more difficult career field.
So here's a few lists of my progress as of today:
Instruments owned currently:
Burkart Piccolo
Miyazawa Flute
Buffet Clarinet
Loree Oboe
Yamaha Alto Sax
Buckingham Music Bansuri (Key of D, Sa G)
Mollenhauer Grenadilla Soprano Recorder
Other normal instruments I will eventually play:
Alto Flute
Eb Clarinet
Bass Clarinet
Soprano Sax
Tenor Sax
English Horn
Other ethnic instruments I have an interest in:
Tin Whistle (I will own one very soon. Michael Burke make)
Pan Flute
Native American Flute
Anyone else doing the same? Comments?
Drew S.
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Author: Merlin_Williams
Date: 2012-06-15 13:22
Currently own and play:
alto flute
Eb clarinet
Bb clarinet
A clarinet
bass clarinet (low C)
EEb contrabass clarinet
sopranino sax
soprano sax
alto sax
C melody sax
tenor sax
bari sax
bass sax
recorders - sopranino down to bass
pennywhistles in F, Eb, D, C, Bb, low D
Don't put all your money into a high end D whistle. In shows you'll need a selection of keys with a consistent tone quality between them. Susato Kildare whistles are the way to go. Great sound, and available in a huge array keys.
Recorders - make sure you learn F fingering instruments as well as C. Soprano gets you tenor, but you'll need to learn alto recorder. Alto is the dominant solo voice in a lot of serious recorder rep. Bass recorder uses the F fingerings, but is played in bass clef, so there's that to tackle as well.
Bass flute - I usually just rent one for recording sessions. That seems to be the only time they get called for.
Jupiter Canada Artist/Clinician
Stratford Shakespeare Festival musician
Woodwind Doubling Channel Creator on YouTube
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Author: oboesax
Date: 2012-06-15 15:07
I don't know that my daughter will be a doubler in the future, as she seems to be headed towards studying orchestral oboe, but she's performed in a dozen musicals and plays/owns the following:
Loree Oboe, plus an intermediate model
Loree English horn
Buffet Bb Clarinet
Bundy Eb clarinet
Yamaha Alto Sax, plus a Bundy
Yanigasawa soprano sax, plus a Hunter
Roberto's Woodwinds Baritone Sax
Fox bassoon
She has access to and can somewhat play my flutes:
Mirumatsu flute
Gemeinhardt piccolo
soprano recorder
Alto recorder
pan flute
various penny whistles
And at school she loves to borrow and play their:
EEb contrabass clarinet
bass clarinet
guitars, cello
tenor sax
But for doubling she almost always get called to play the oboe book or part.
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Author: davyd
Date: 2012-06-20 18:29
@Drew: No baritone sax or bassoon?
@Merlin: No english horn or contrabassoon?
I'm envious of people who can afford, and play reasonably well, that many different instruments. I can barely handle clarinet, bass clarinet, and the four main saxophones.
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Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-06-20 18:44
I have pondered the Bari/Bassoon situation. I will try to arrange a lesson with some professionals in NYC and see if there's a need. If so, I will play them. I love the sound of the bassoon, my favorite instrument. They are quite expensive however, and I'm used to play the Reeds 1 to 3 books in theatre.
I'm finally getting to the point where all the instruments help each other, and don't hurt each other when playing. I probably don't have a traditional clarinet tone, as I play with a looser embouchure than I assume most. I still try to make it as focused and deep as possible. There would be no way to switch to flute or oboe if I had a tight clarinet embouchure.
Drew S.
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Author: Merlin_Williams
Date: 2012-06-20 19:34
I play EH on sessions when called; I'm able to rent.
I can play contra, but it's so damn costly to get one!
Jupiter Canada Artist/Clinician
Stratford Shakespeare Festival musician
Woodwind Doubling Channel Creator on YouTube
Post Edited (2012-06-20 21:33)
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Author: concertmaster3
Date: 2012-06-21 06:00
Piccolo - Yamaha YPC-82, Mancke HJ
Flute - Yamaha YFL-777HCT
Alto Flute - Armstrong
Baroque Oboe - Moeck
Oboe - Yamaha 841
Oboe d'amore - Lucerne
English horn - Fossati Soliste
Clarinet - Yamaha CSV (A&Bb), Forte C, Yamaha YCL-681 Eb, LeBlanc Basset Horn, Yamaha 622II Bass
Bassoon - Fox IV
Saxes - Yamahas (YAS 61, YTS 61, YSS 675, YBS 61)
Recorders - 2 Sop and 2 Alto (Yamahas and Adlers), 1 Tenor
Dizi (D and F)
10 Key Irish Flute
I think that's all that I least so far.
Hoping to get:
Bass Flute
Baroque Flute
(Updated list 02/02/2020)
Ron Ford
Woodwind Specialist
Post Edited (2020-02-03 08:13)
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Author: dblomd
Date: 2012-07-23 03:05
Currently Own:
Piano (MY MAJOR!!!)
Some random cheap Clarinet that someone gave me but it works well for the amount of time I don't spend playing it. LOL.
Artley open hole flute
Lesher Oboe
Violin (that I love dearly)
Trombone (which I detest but I'll play it for my college's brass ensemble)
Cello (which is back home so I don't get to play it very often)
Harmonica (which I'm awful at...don't ever let me play a solo on this sucker)
Jaw Harp (VERY RARE occassions do I get to play this)
Penny whistle (in an ensemble playing this tiny instrument)
Recorder (Who actually takes this seriously?! I've had it since 5th grade. I pick it up every once in a while.)
Also Plays but Does Not Own:
Piccolo (occassionaly when I can get my hands on one)
Renard Fox Bassoon (played past two semesters in college's symphonic band) I wish I could have this bassoon it's a beautiful maple bassoon....*sigh*
Viola (sometimes for church orchestra when they need it)
Trumpet (can't stand)
French Horn (which I love but I never get to play)
Tuba (Love it! but never get an opportunity to play)
Percussion (I get the occassional opportunity to play in church orchestra but never very often)
Senior Music Education Major, Proficiency Piano
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Author: Mike S.
Date: 2012-07-29 20:46
I own:
-Recorders(sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor)
-Penny whistles in C and D
-Fifes in Bb and C
-Piccolo, flute, alto flute
-Eb clarinet, Bb clarinet, bass clarinet
-Soprano/alto/tenor/baritone saxophones
I also plan on upgrading my piccolo at some point in the future, and adding bass flute to my arsenal. I can play English horn and bassoon, but don't find any need for them, as most of my show gigs are for flutes, clarinets, and saxophones. Plus, with being a college student, I have school bills and whatnot, so getting myself a bass flute probably won't be in the cards for a while =/
Recorders(SSAT), piccolo/flute/alto flute, oboe, clarinets(Eb/Bb/bass), saxophones(SATB)
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Author: LIWWDoubler
Date: 2012-08-05 20:27
I currently own and play:
Piccolo, Flute, Alto Flute
Oboe, English Horn
Eb, Bb, A, Bass Clarinets
SATB and C Melody Saxophones
Trumpet, Flugelhorn
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Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-08-22 16:52
I just wanted to confirm that the Kildare Tin Whistles are an excellent suggestion. I just purchased a high D in case it didn't live up to expectations. Overwhelmingly excelled in tone, intonation, and feel. I cannot wait to get the low D!
Thanks Merlin!
Drew S.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2012-10-11 11:01
I own the following:
Db piccolo (6 key)
Concert piccolo
Bb flutes (1 key fifes - x3)
Flute (x2)
Alto flute
Bass flute
Oboe (x2)
Oboe d'amore
Cor anglais
Eb clarinet
Bb clarinet (too many!)
A clarinet (several)
Basset horn (x2)
Alto clarinet
Bass clarinet
Bassoon (French system)
Sopranino sax
Soprano sax (x2)
Alto sax (x2)
Tenor sax
Bari sax
Bass sax
Bb bugle
Bb trumpet
F/Bb full double horn
(I'm not a brass player but I have to give them a go!)
What I would like to own:
Modern (Boehm) G or Eb treble flute,
Bass oboe or Heckelphone or Lupophone (whichever is easiest to come by),
Full Boehm (or near to) Eb and C clarinet,
Contra-alto clarinet to low C
Better sopranino and bass saxes.
Maybe a modern C melody.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Merlin_Williams
Date: 2012-10-11 13:01
Guo has a new G treble flute out - all plastic! Looks pretty cool. Haven't tried that, but I did try their plastic bass flute. Played pretty well.
Jupiter Canada Artist/Clinician
Stratford Shakespeare Festival musician
Woodwind Doubling Channel Creator on YouTube
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Author: rcnelson
Date: 2012-10-11 18:05
Well, I feel so inadequate in listing my humble arsenal but here it is:
Soprano Saxophone
Alto Saxophone
Tenor Saxophone
Bb Clarinet
Pennywhistle in C
on my wish list but will probably never get
Alto Flute (never have had a need)
Bass Clarinet (only 1 show and I was able to borrow one)
Selmer Mark VI tenor (1957), Selmer Mark VII alto (1975)
Buescher True Tone soprano (1924), Selmer CL210 Bb Clarinet, Gemeinhardt 3SHB Flute, Pearl PFP105 Piccolo
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Author: Bassoonapus
Date: 2012-12-29 03:26
Wow you guys must be rich!
I have a cheap student flute and clarinet, as well asa student alto sax. I wish I had a bassoon!
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Author: leigthom
Date: 2013-02-05 16:03
Hello everyone
A list of my instruments accumulated over 60+ years of playing and collecting.
Piccolo - Buescher
3 flutes - 2 Pearl and Ubel
Alto flute - no maker's name but plays well
3 Oboes - 2 Marigaux and Kreul
Oboe d'amore - Lorée
2 Cor Anglais - Oehler & Ward & Winterbourne
Oboe d'Caccia old but still works for Baroque
Baroque oboe - Moek
Eb Clarinet - Corton
Pairs Clarinets - Würlitzer (Oehler) & Albert (Albert)
Clarinet - Selmer
Alto Clarinet - Bundy
Bass Clarinet - Selmer - low C
Bassoon - Hüller
Contrabassoon - Amati
Sopranino sax - Yanigasawa
2 Soprano sax - Yanigasawa & Buescher
2 Alto sax - Yanigasawa & Selmer
2 Tenor sax - Yanigasawa
Baritone sax - Selmer
Assorted recorders and Whistles.
Possible wishes would be Bass sax and Bass oboe. But realistically the repertoire is very limited for these instruments.
I play regularly in orchestras. But used to play in wind bands, shows and sax quartets, hence the variety of instruments. I also still give lecture recitals to music societies etc
I have haunted second hand and junk shops for years and have found many interesting bargains.
I'll keep playing and collecting, a fascinating hobby.
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Author: Jaysne
Date: 2013-02-25 14:53
Drew, I'm curious about your statement to play "every woodwind instrument ever invented." Does this include all non-western instruments, too? I'm sure if you look world-wide, you'll find a bazillion types of woodwinds that most of us have never heard of.
Post Edited (2013-02-25 15:08)
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Author: Jaysne
Date: 2013-02-25 15:07
I own:
Piccolo, flute, recorder
Eb, A, Bb, C, and bass clarinets
Soprano, alto, and tenor saxes
English horn, oboe, and bassoon
I also double on brass, and own:
French horn, trumpet, cornet, military bugle, trombone
For fooling around with, I have a guitar, piano, violin, and theremin.
My horns are intermediate to pro level. I do want to get a better French horn, however, as well as a bari sax! I'm also working on my snare drum chops, but use a practice pad. Eventually I'd love to get a good snare.
Post Edited (2013-02-25 15:14)
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Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2013-02-25 17:47
There are a lot of world woodwind instruments, especially flute types. I have interest in playing them all, god willing. I've found there are many similar instruments, of which I would choose my favorite sounding of the set (say, transverse 6 hole diatonic flute, lots of them available, will stick with the Bansuri). It's quite a process.
I also have interest in making my own flutes. I have a camping trip in 2 months, and I hope to have made a fipple and native american style flute before this time. At this points I will work with PVC.
Drew S.
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Author: FluteClarinet55
Date: 2013-06-14 14:06
I hope that some day I'll be able to have such an immense list of instruments, but currently as I am in school I only have the following:
2 flutes (Gemeinhardt & Yamaha)
Buffet clarinet (Currently borrowing from my school, but hope to buy one soon)
Vit Alto Sax (Was going to learn, but decided to do clarinet instead)
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Author: SimpsonSaxGal
Date: 2013-07-05 14:21
Well, this post (and some cleaning of my privacy settings online) has brought me back to this message board.
Instruments I currently own:
a King alto sax
Selmer Omega alto sax
a Selmer flute
a plastic student model Yamaha Bb clarinet,
a new-to-me Eb alto clarinet, and a
King Trombone.
Instruments I would love to own for myself and have played frequently before:
Bb bass clarinet,
Eb Contralto clarinet
BBb Contrabass clarinet
Bb tenor sax
Eb bari sax
and maybe an oboe or bassoon to tinker with.
Kimberly Karwath
Bb, Bass, and Contrabass
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Author: jvsax
Date: 2013-07-30 18:53
Current arsenal:
piccolo/flute/alto flute/bass flute
Bb clarinet/bass clarinet
soprano/alto/tenor/bari saxes
WX-7 wind controller
Wish list:
better chops, more gigs!
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Author: Colinb
Date: 2013-09-15 16:04
Hi, this is my first post.
I'm fighting the good fight with:
Several tenor trombones, bass & alto trombones, a flugelbone and a tuba.
Wind synth (Akai EWI 4000s)
Various keyboards,
Baritone Saxophone (G4M Chinese)
Tenor Saxophone (Bauhaus)
Eb Contra clarinet (Leblanc)
Post Edited (2013-10-30 09:39)
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Author: JHouse
Date: 2013-12-31 02:44
I'm a pianist... but I don't like the piano, so I spend the rest of my time on everything else:
Flute (2 owned, poor cond.)
Bassoon (1 owned)
Alto sax (1 owned)
Eb clarinet (university)
Bb clarinet (2 owned)
Eb alto (2 owned)
Bb bass (1 owned, but I prefer university's Selmer 67)
EEb contra (univ. owns 6...)
BBb contra (univ.)
Bb trumpet (2 owned)
Conn 16E mellophonium (3 owned... don't ask)
Trombone (old old old King. It's brown. Actually brown.)
BBb tuba (3/4 size only, but it does what I need)
SSAT recorders (owned)
- advice, if you're in the market for a recorder and you don't want to spend a lot of money, Aulos has fantastic plastic instruments in their 500 and 700 series. They project well, play well in tune, and are easy to control and have an authentic, complex sound. Except their bass recorder sucks, so get a Yamaha.
I also have a guitar and a violin laying around, but they don't see much use. I've been sticking with the viola lately - less competition. =]
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Author: super20bu6
Date: 2014-01-23 17:35
Current list is:
1 Piccolo-Armstrong
2 Flutes - Armstrong Open Hole/Low B & a Vito
2 Bb Clarinets- H Bettony & LaCroix Full Boehm
1 Bassoon-Richter
1 Soprano Sax-Antigua Winds
1 Alto Sax-King 660
1 Tenor Sax-King Super 20
1 Baritone Sax -Yanagisaw / Vito Stencil-just sold Bari # 2
3 Bass Clarinest-Leblanc 400 to Low Eb/Leblanc 330s to Low C/Orpheo Low C
1 Eb Contra Alto-Selmer/Bundy
1 Bb Contra-Leblanc Paperclip to Low C
Buying within the next 2 months...and Oboe and an English Horn
Haven't played piano or percussion in years....but getting the itch for a keyobard...
And sold about 3 years ago:
Conn 8D Double Horn
Hans Hoyer Descant Horn-Bb/F Alto
Doubler in RI(but play more in CT & MA)
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Author: super20bu6
Date: 2014-04-21 17:50
The previously mentioned list directly above plus....
2 Oboes-Yamaha 441M (plastic insert in top joint) & a Patricola SB1
1 English Horn-Howarth S40
1 Bb Clarinet (additional)-Patricola CL.2
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Author: fromsfca
Date: 2016-05-01 02:31
Probably no one will see this, but here it is, I play professionally:
Eb Leblanc LL Piccolo Clarinet (1969)
Bb Leblanc Opus Soprano Clarinet (1995?)
Yannie Soprano Sax
Selmer BA Alto (1937)
Yamaha 61 Tenor (1993?)
August Richard Hammig Piccolo (1985)
Haynes Flute (1978)
Jupiter DeMidici Alto Flute ()2003?)
MCW LA Oboe (1997)
When I played b'way musical Assassins, I had to also play diatonic harmonica
When I played "How to Succeed...) I had to also play kazoo
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Author: jordan.1210
Date: 2018-04-16 11:37
People say I have a lot of instruments, but you guys make me jealous.
Background, I'm mostly a recreational player and have never done pro work, unless street performing counts.
But, here's my list (not the best but they work for me):
Bb Selmer Full Boehm clarinet (1930s?)
Bb Yamaha YCL-200AD clarinet
Bb Bundy bass clarinet (low Eb, working on custom low C extension)
3d printed pocket clarinet
C Yamaha Venova
Bb Taishan soprano sax (Chinese, but still good)
Bb King Super 20 tenor sax (Series III, 1959-1960)
Eb Taishan baritone sax (Chinese, but still good)
Olds Ambassador Trombone (hope to learn eventually)
Fender electric guitar (hope to learn eventually)
43 ocarinas, I'll post my favorites/oddities (8 are 3d printed)
Dinda alto Bb
Focalink double alto C
Imperial City Ocarina triple bass C
Songbird Dragontooth alto C
Songbird SoL alto G
STL Keyed Aria alto C
Things I'm thinking/wanting to get:
Eb sopranino clarinet
C soprano clarinet
Eb alto clarinet
BBb contrabass clarinet
Bb soprillo sax
Bb bass sax
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Author: Wes
Date: 2018-04-20 00:37
While I have many woodwind instruments, the most unusual I have are the following:
Conn bass saxophone to high F
Harwood/Buescher bass saxophone
Isadore Lot wooden conical bore flute Boehm open rings
Emerson Bb metal flute
Emerson Eb metal flute
Laubin oboe
Buffet oboe and English horn simple system pair
Japanese Musical Instrument Company (Yamaha originator) full Boehm Eb clarinet with donut key
Buffet full Boehm Bb and A one piece clarinet set
Selmer F basset horn
Conn gold plated C melody saxophone
Knight Wagner tuba double Bb/F, played each year in the Los Angeles Tuba Christmas event
While these are great instruments and I have some other usual ones, a concern that I have as I get older is what will be done with them when I have gone.
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Author: Tiddlerjoe
Date: 2020-01-31 22:52
I think I have found my kindred spirits!
I have:
Selmer Ref 54 Alto
Yamaha clarinet
Schilke Bb trumpet
Bach Strad Bb
Schilke Cornet
Yamaha flugelhorn
Besson Tenor horn
Who knows what next...
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Author: ACCA
Date: 2020-02-11 20:14
Selmer 10G Bb clar
Yamaha 52 Bb clar (backup)
Jerome Thibouville Lamy 1938 A clarinet
F Buisson stencil 1920's C clarinet
Amati Eb clarinet
wish list:
Bass clarinet
C soprano and/or melody sax
Bb soprano sax
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Author: sr3323
Date: 2020-04-16 03:45
Instruments I own
Yamaha 481 Intermediate Flute
Yamaha YAS-52 Alto Sax
Vito 7212 Clarinet
Instruments I am borrowing from my high school:
Yamaha Plastic Piccolo
Jupiter Bass Flute
Selmer Mark VI soprano Sax
Yamaha Tenor Sax
Yamaha Bari Sax
Vito Bass Clarinet
Instruments I want to get in the future:
EWI/ Wind controller
Eb Flute
G treble Flute
Alto Flute
Flute d'Amore
Eb Clarinet
Contrabass Flute
Sopranino Sax
C soprano Sax
C Melody Sax
Bass Sax
Double Bass
Jazz woodwind doubler who is primarily a flute/sax player.
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Author: mark.pinner
Date: 2020-10-18 07:09
I have spent a good part of a 40+ year professional career doubling, although alto/tenor saxes and bassoon are my main instruments. By doubling I mean professional theatre mainly playing reeds 1 or 2; or 4 and 5. I have enough horns to handle most, and can beg, or borrow, for anything else. Outside of theatre, lead alto, lead tenor, and baritone, doubling clarinet, and flute. My own small group gigs are usually alto/tenor, and either flute, or clarinet. You have to know how to practise, what tactics work; you also need to have some idea of your limitations. This might apply to working out how to make something work better, and more reliably; or pulling your head out of your arse, and not letting your ego get in the way of your ability (we have all done this at some stage). The real art to theatre work is getting the consistency that's needed to be able to play the same show 8 times a week, without anyone noticing if you make a mistake, for months at a time; and being able to dep for someone reliably.
Current inventory includes, and is not limited to.
Soprano Yamaha 475, which I can make work, and fool most people. I also have a 1925 Conn, which doesn't even fool me!
Alto Main horn is Selmer Mark VII, back up Buescher 400
Tenor Selmer Mark VII
Baritone 1964 Conn
C Melody Pan American 1931
Bbs main horn very old Yamaha 20 key Oehler, back up Custom Yamaha 24 key Oehler
Eb Richard Keilwerth
Bass F. Arthur Uebel low C Oehler system
I have others, and I seldom play A clarinet, because in that sort of music, opera mainly, I play bassoon.
Moosman Orchestra Model
De Zhou silver C foot
Martin Freres wooden concert flute
Yamaha 62 piccolo ( I would advise doublers to get the one with the lip-plate riser.
As I said, I have more instruments.
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Author: T. M. Wyatt
Date: 2021-03-30 21:28
I'm about halfway there with instruments I own and wish to own. Now comes the expensive stuff...
Stuff I own:
YPC-62 Piccolo
YFL-674 C Flute
YCL-SE Soprano Clarinet
YAS-875EX Alto Sax
ETS640 Tenor Sax
Casio 88-Key Keyboard
Stuff I want to own:
YBS-82 Bari Sax
YCL-622 Bass Clarinet
YFG-811 Bassoon
YOB441/841 Oboe
YFL Alto and Bass flutes
And surely more... hopefully an actual piano at some point rather than a keyboard. Gear Acquisition Syndrome is real nowadays.
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Author: davidjsc
Date: 2021-07-09 03:02
own and play
- oboe
- alto clarinet
- bass clarinet
- 2 x B-flat soprano clarinet (Boehm)
- C soprano clarinet (Boehm)
- C soprano clarinet (Albert)
own and learning
- banjo
- mandolin
- appalachian dulcimer
own but unplayable condition / no longer can play
- bass saxhorn (Gautrot ca. 1930s) - sort of like baritone horn/euphonium but neither
- trombone
- alto recorder
want to own and play
- tarogato
~~ Alto Clarinet; Bass Clarinet; B-flat and C Boehm Clarinets; Albert C Clarinet; Oboe ~~
Post Edited (2022-02-02 22:38)
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2021-09-11 06:15
own eb clarinet--Bb clari {16 of them} alto clarinet bass clarinet. c clarinet
saxes--soprano-alto 15of them--tenor sax -bari sax and c soprano sax.
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Author: Reese Oller
Date: 2021-12-01 20:19
I own one plastic yamaha Bb soprano. That is it. However, I play and have played the following school instruments:
Yamaha YCL-221 Bass Clarinet
Fox Bassoon
Signet selmer bassoon
Will soon be playing eb sopranino clarinet (no idea what make or model)
Reese Oller
Clarinet student (performance major at Millikin University)
I can play bass clarinet, Eb clarinet, BBb contra, alto saxophone, bassoon at a decent level, and flute in a pinch.
Post Edited (2021-12-01 20:20)
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The Clarinet Pages