Woodwind.OrgThe Oboe BBoardThe C4 standard

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 oboe simple system finger chart??
Author: sobblaster 
Date:   2007-05-25 08:25
Attachment:  d968_12.jpg (43k)
Attachment:  da2f_3.jpg (48k)
Attachment:  dd19_12.jpg (49k)

I've just purchased... RAMPONE WOODEN OBOE. EARLY KEY MECHANISM, THREE WOODEN HOLES, ORIGINAL CASE .SERIAL # in the 300s..This Wooden Oboe was made by Rampone for export to the USA. The stamp on the Bell says Sold by J. Polivka, and it also says T. Pirone New York. It has 1 key from top then 2 holes..bottom joint has same 1 hole then 2 keys...there are other keys for pinkys as well..I have attached some pics to help....

is this SIMPLE fingering or conservatory...also does anyone know where I can find a finger chart for simple system??

I have conservatory fingering from http://www.wfg.woodwind.org/oboe/index.html
its been great!!!thanks sobblaster

the music score in australia..

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 Topics Author  Date
 oboe simple system finger chart??  
sobblaster 2007-05-25 08:25 
 Re: oboe simple system finger chart??  new
wrowand 2007-05-25 13:31 
 Re: oboe simple system finger chart??  new
sobblaster 2007-05-25 21:17 
 Re: oboe simple system finger chart??  new
cjwright 2007-05-26 02:52 
 Re: oboe simple system finger chart??  new
sobblaster 2007-05-26 04:48 

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