Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2006-10-12 17:59
Dutchy, et al. :
The "reed only" exercises (which I mentioned recently on another thread) are designed to strengthen and form the embouchure, and reveal articulation flaws. As far as I know, pitch doesn't enter into the equation here, at all.
My teacher has me do them first of all to see if I can hold the reed (no hands) in my mouth at the proper angle, and hold it steadily enough that I can tongue on it without it bouncing around. I have the (apparently unusual) problem of having developed too loose of an embouchure (i.e., the antithesis of "biting"), which results in my playing with a too-loud and harsh sound. She tells me that I must be able to tongue the reed alone (while making a thuwt thuwt sound) without it bouncing around -- if it bounces, I'm not holding it tightly enough.
This has been the single best corrective for my tone production issues. I'm actually sounding like an oboist these days.