Author: johnt
Date: 2012-03-16 14:49
Hey, here's what to do; empty out a 91% bottle of isopropyl alcohol & fill it brimful with vodka, Grey Goose or Stoly…it's your nickel. Bob's yer uncle, that you'll never know the difference in a fortnight. Plus, your drain will be squeaky clean & think how much better you'll sound with clean tone holes!! I'm on Craig's side, now; try it out, blokes, it works. Don't forget to raise a shot glass of the cleaner, heh, heh, to the ole girl Lori, oh, no, that should read Loree, oh well, you get the idea. Don't try to use Guinness, though. Drink that tomorrow, & a Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all…Slainte!!!