Author: huboboe
Date: 2012-03-08 23:47
First, let me clarify my introduction of the word 'cult' into these discussions when I quoted Nigel Clark's comment to me. I didn't take his meaning to be what we usually refer to as a Cult, a mystic, usually lunatic fringe, group so far outside the norm that decent people shy away from it, but rather as a reminder that Tabuteau had a profound effect on the American school and developed a sound quite different from any other style of playing at the time which, along with his phrasing style, is still held by many if not most American oboists as the model to aspire to. I took his comment as a gentle and humorous reminder that the world is a bigger place than Philadelphia.
I apologize if I have suggested Mr. Clark had any deeper intention by his remark.
That said, not only Bert Lucarelli and Alex Klein, but Robert Bloom, with his Bach Aria Group and Ralph Gomberg, who toured as a soloist after his retirement from Boston belong on the list of American soloists.
I also can't think of many players at all in this country (outside of violin players) who have made their reputations as soloists. It seems to me more of a European thing, though given the number of fine, unemployed other than freelance players in this country, more solo careers would be forthcoming...
Robert Hubbard