Author: RobinDesHautbois
Date: 2011-12-14 10:58
Hey Samovar and GoodWinds!
-- Samovar:
Super topic, really interesting thread because these 2 questions were a really important part of how I got the reeds I like so much today. But I'm afraid you won't like my answer: every person is different in terms of better shape and better staple because there are toooooo many variables involved, some of them instrumental, some of them physiological. Trial and error is the only way and shaped cane samples are a must.
-- GoodWinds:
YOUR STORY is a true inspiration to me!!!!!
I just flipped through your comments, and was particularly taken by the back-and-forth started by 2011-12-07 00:07.
=> my opinions on the matter might not be very popular. Measurements are a really good guideline, but cane is a plant, not an engineered alloy: the results of any single measurement on a reed won't yield constant results. Sure, over dozens and hundreds of reeds, some measurements stand out and tendencies become apparent, but these remain statistical, not absolute.... it's more of a bell-curve than a certainty like in vector mechanics.
So I really prefer method over measurement. If you try the reed every step of the way, and figure out what to expect and what to do next (even just wait a day or two), then you might not need measurements any more. You'll "feel your way around" reed making rather than use comparative analysis (measurements).
Naturally, this approach works really well for my scraping style... which sometimes can't really be called anything, but I'm sure it can work for any style.
Best of luck!
Robin Tropper
M.A.Sc., B.Mus., B.Ed.