Author: cjwright
Date: 2011-12-07 17:28
I agree with Bob,
Print out one of Martin's reed diagrams, and either trace it so you don't have numbers on it, or white out the numbers and make new copies. Run off 10 or so. Then with every reed you make take measurements at those spots on the reed and compare them with Martin's original measurements. Try to get them to match up. If you end up with a reed that works really well but has different measurements, write them down on your blank reed diagram with the date and reason why you like the reed, and try to duplicate.
Reedmaking isn't about making the stars align or tapping in with the inner arundo donax energy or anything. It's more about making this symmetric with that, this even with that, and having an eye for detail.
Blog, An Oboe In Paradise
Solo Oboe, Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra