Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2011-12-04 13:13
Wilfried from Willy's Holzblaser Atelier sold it to me in 2010 and they agreed to repair it for me for free. Although i insisted on a completely new top joint they told me that France was not willing to handle an instrument sent from Malaysia and that they were on holiday (summer when the tenon broke, just 2 days after i got back from my Berlin trip, talk about bad luck!).
Apparently the work required is not difficult and the oboe has long since been repaired.... i don't understand why it is taking so long for the customs agency to approve. The last time i heard from Willy, about a month ago, they said the instrument would be sent in 2 days after they clear customs....well...i have heard nothing since and they have not replied my e-mail...thank god i have good colleagues! I am playing on a beautiful Loree Royal courtesy of a colleague from Singapore with a super resonant high register, but i really miss the warmth of my Buffet too... =/
p.s.: pliscapoivre, perhaps if you pass by the shop one of these days you could speak your super fluent German to Wilfried and send my regards, if that does any help at all! He doesn't seem to be very fluent with english at all....