Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2011-12-03 17:20
Thank you for your compliments! I think it's a good idea to check out the new Moennig english horns, i heard they are fabulous. But if Howarth is your cup of tea, an instrument with better projection could be a Sound Alchemy english horn from Yan Petrov based in London and Sweden. A full keywork would not be a problem at a similar price range. As Philippe Rigoutat would say, an instrument is a complete package, adding a key for an amount of money and saying that you should not have it in the first place without asking for it is indeed a little bit ridiculous. Rigoutat english horns are by the way very nice! I find Howarth english horns very dark, and always well made, but perhaps too dark! English horns are never too bright, at least when heard from a distance.