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 Re: Technical facility, musicality?
Author: GMac 
Date:   2005-09-29 13:54

I completely agree!! Someone once put it really nicely; "Technique is a means to an end, but the end is not technique". The technique is always completely subservient to the music that should be the prominent idea. I also think that to really learn technique efficiently, you should first have a really good understanding of musicality, such as firm concept of rhythm, phrasing, etc. When you know exactly how you want the music to sound, you will demand good technique of yourself instead of looking upon it as an exercise.


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 Technical facility, musicality?  new
sömeone 2005-09-29 08:27 
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ohsuzan 2005-09-29 13:21 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
vboboe 2005-10-14 01:39 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
sömeone 2005-10-14 03:37 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
kroboe 2005-09-29 13:48 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  
GMac 2005-09-29 13:54 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
absinthe 2005-09-29 15:38 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
my58vw 2005-09-29 15:51 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
vboboe 2005-09-30 03:34 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
oboeblank 2005-10-11 04:57 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
sömeone 2005-10-11 11:56 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
kroboe 2005-10-14 09:10 
 Re: Technical facility, musicality?  new
oboereed1109 2005-10-14 13:06 

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