Author: vboboe
Date: 2008-11-05 07:33
it's been ages since i played Tplate, but vaguely seem to recall my ring-key model had a few options for B/C# trill (part of D Major studies) similar to recorder fingerings, but don't know if S10 will do any of these combos, give these a go, do any work out?
First one is basic, others are alternates
'pinch the top' -- Play B, keep Tplate closed, lift L1 to get 'open' C# = all fingers are up with Tplate closed, then trill with L1 -- can hold down REb for warmer tone
open Tplate -- fork L1&3 (L2 up) and R1 F#, flutter L2
open Tplate -- L1&2 closed with F#, flutter L3 (well, at least that one's good exercise for a weak 3rd finger)
open Tplate - L2&3 down with F#, flutter L1