Author: vboboe
Date: 2008-10-12 20:32
... on the topic of 'ideal sound' i'm finding my upper register is 'an issue' this year, now that i'm doing first oboe parts in orchestra when he's away from time to time, so we had a chat and agreed to switch parts, he'll do OB2 from now on, he's much better at cold read & play than i am, i have to practice a lot before i'm feeling really confident in my playing
-- well, most of OB1 work is upper part of staff to 2/3 ledgers above, High D very common, High E common enough, so this is the first year i'm challenged to play *** extensively *** in high soprano range rather than middle and lower register
well, what passes OK for right dynamic levels in a 11 x 12 home practice room are *** totally lost *** (and next to useless!) in a big rehearsal hall, so there's issue #1, conductor has asked the oboe section, several times, to play 'with more confidence', 'louder', etc (methinks he's maybe going a bit deaf too, most of us are past half a century ... and the trumpet behind me keeps asking the conductor to speak louder ! )
the other issue is the quality of the high notes, even taking into consideration the tonal change 2nd 8ve key up, they're much harder to play in tune (i'm so often sharp = thin-sounding because of that)
so getting that 'ideal sound' upstairs is my playing challenge for this year :-]
any 'hot tips' for keeping that ideal sound for high register going up there with the flutes and violins as compared to middle & low playing which merges better with clarinets & horns?