The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2003-03-29 11:37
Hi Jean,
Just a doctoral dissertation but on a subject much less interesting than yours (Academic Preparation for Future Airport Management Personnel). Isn't it just great to finish.
And the defense is when? Good luck on that event!
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Author: William
Date: 2003-03-29 13:24
For my Masters, I had the option of writing a thesis--research, editing, etc (yikes!)--or of playing a solo recital on my major instrument. I think that was the only time in my life when a decision was so easily made. The recital went very well, thank you!!! (UW-Madison, MS--Educ & Mus, '66)
BTW, congrats on the completion of your thesis--now, how about that PHd????
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Author: John J. Moses
Date: 2003-03-29 14:47
Hi clarinetmama:
Good luck with your thesis, it's a long haul, but worth it.
My Doctoral thesis at Juilliard, many years ago, was a "performance edition of the 24 woodwind quintets of Anton Reicha," two or three of them are actually quite good.
Gustave Reese, the famed musicologist, was my advisor, and he hated Reicha's music, so I had a fun (?) time getting through the thesis with his approval!
Good luck in May, and congrats
Légère Artist
Clark W. Fobes Artist
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-03-29 17:05
For those not good enough to play, and on a totally unrelated (non-musical) subject try
"Toward An Understanding Of The Function Of Guilt In 'The Theology Of Self-Esteem'". 229 pages. MCS Degree Regent College.
Bob A
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2003-03-29 18:07
Hi Bob,
If you'd like to see a doctoral dissertation that is totally related to music. Try Shannon Thompson's "The Philadelphia School of Clarinet Playing" from the U of Texas a few years back. I have mentoned it a few times here on the BB but no one has reacted so... A terrific piece of work. Everything from tonguing to ligatures with a great dose of Portnoy quotes and a lot about Bonade.
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Author: Clarence Beale
Date: 2003-03-30 00:34
Shannon Thompson's DMA dissertation, "A History and Analysis of the Philadelphia School of Clarinet Playing" can be purchased online from UMI Dissertation Services. Shannon has a link to UMI on her web pages:
The footnotes in Shannon's dissertation are superb. It was in one of those footnotes that I discovered John Weigand's DM dissertation, "Robert Marcellus' Fundamentals of Clarinet Playing and Teaching". Unfortunately, the only way to read this dissertation is to request the one circulating copy through an interlibrary loan from the Florida State University Allen Music Library:
However, it's worth the effort because this document has information about how Marcellus played that I have not found anywhere else.
Clarence Beale
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