The Fingering Forum
Author: EuGeneSee
Date: 2006-12-20 13:18
Hello: I'm EuGene, a straphanger over on the clarinet forum, who has a question about the fingering charts for those older 6 to 10 key, no ring (often made of boxwood), clarinets. I recently obtained one of them (a 10 key version) and so became interested in learning to play it.
I see those horns often on that infamous auction site, and a couple of times over the years in flea markets, but have never seen anything about fingering them. My computer skills are, at best, rudimentary, so I haven't figured out how to search for such a chart.
Does anyone here know of a source for fingering charts for these clarinets?
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Author: EuGeneSee
Date: 2006-12-20 21:18
Thanks, Glenn:
I'll print those out then play with different fingering combinations where the Oehler/Alber fingering calls for the pressing of keys that are not on the old style clarinet. This thing, with respect to keywork, falls somewhere between an Oehler/Albert and a recorder. Actually, several of the keys for various accidentals are located similar to the boehme clarinet on the upper joint (the A & Ab key levers are side-by-side and do not operate together). The lower joint is a little trickier, as there are only 2 long LH pinkie levers and only 1 RH pinkie lever. Anyhoo, I'll give it a whirl and write up a chart for fingerings that differ from the Oehler/Albert chart. Thanks again.
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Author: EuGeneSee
Date: 2006-12-21 17:05
Dee: Thanks a load for these charts . . . mine has 10 keys, so it won't be much effort to modify these charts accordingly. The extra 5 keys (similar to those on a modern Bb boehme) are the throat G#, sliver, shortest trill key, and bottom wrap-around in the upper joint and the banana key in the lower joint. They simplify some of the more complicated sharp/flat fingerings on the 2nd chart. Eu
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