The Fingering Forum
Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-10 06:01
Does anyone have a dizi fingering chart?(chinese bamboo flute)
Plz send it to me at
Thank you
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Author: richard
Date: 2005-05-13 16:50
I provide the fingering chart for a DIzi as per below,
B = Blow Hole M= Membrane(Timo) Hole
1 = LH fore-finger
2 = LH middle finger
3 = LH third finger
4 = RH fore-finger
5 = RH middle finger
6 = RH third finger
x = covered hole
o = open hole
B M 1 2 3 4 5 6
o o x x x x x x G or Sol (Low octave)
o o x x x x x o A or La
o o x x x x o o B or Ti
o o x x x o o o C or Do
o o x x o o o o D or Re
o o x o o o o o E or Me
o o o x x o o o F or Fa
o o x x x x x x G or So (Middle octave)
o o x x x x x o A or La
o o x x x x o o B or Ti
o o x x x o o o C or Do
o o x x o o o o D or Re
o o x o o o o o E or Me
o o o x o o x x F or Fa
o o o x x x x x G or So (High octave)
o o x x x x x o A or La
I 've been playing the flute, dizi for many years since I was in high school.
You may ask me further questions on dizi playing
Good Luck
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-14 02:58
Um..... thanks a lot richard,
Can u tell me more about this flute becoz i'm planning to buy it. I heard from people about membrane pasting...wad is it about and how do u do it?
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Author: richard
Date: 2005-05-14 16:32
The membrane or "Timo" is a thin white plant cell wall for pasting on the hole just right next to the blow hole (or embouchure hole). It can be pasted onto the hole with the juice squeezed from garlic or other suitable paste. When pasting correctly, the dizi gives out its characteristic "dizi" sound. You can play the dizi with a piece of office tape pasted on the hole but the sound will be dry and boring.
Dizi is a rather difficult instrument to learn and play. At least it is more difficult than a Boehm flute to start because of its smaller embouchure hole. It would be better to start with the help of a qualifed teahcer.
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-15 00:06
Ok thanks a lot richard,
It is hard to get a qualified teacher because there is very few of them here(i'm from Malaysia).Anyway i got one more question, do dizi players have a different music reading system than the orchestral instruments?Oh yah, what are the techniques when blowing or playing?
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Author: richard
Date: 2005-05-15 09:33
If you live in Kuala Lumpur, there should be some Chinese music groups that could teach dizi. If you could read Chinese, there are lots of web sites in Mainland China teaching people playing dizi. Here is one,
Nowadays, the chinese music usually don't use the music clef and notation used in Western music. They use the system so-called "simplified clef" , using numbers 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to represent C, D, E, F, G, A, B in western music.
Good Luck
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-16 05:33
K,thanks a lot
But still i don't have a qualified teacher because i am not living in kuala lumpur but in Kuching,the capital of sarawak.
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-16 05:46
Besides that, can u teach me how to blow,skill,posture and how to perform.It is because i don't read chinese(for the website) and i have tried translating it but the english sentence sounds weid such as yau-want
Eg:the shoulder want to be straight
it really sounds weird so can u help me instea???
Ps:take ur time,i don't mind
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Author: richard
Date: 2005-05-16 15:31
Sorry, although I want to help but I just can't teach on the web or through email.
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-17 05:20
Ok never mind.......I'll try to find somebody else to help me. Mayabe i could try to ask the dizi flute dealer.Thanks anyway.
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Author: richard
Date: 2005-05-18 15:42
Here is a web site in america,all in English for dizi playing
Good Luck
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-05-19 05:32
i have went there before but it doens't teach u how to play the dizi. I'm looking for a website that teaches u how(free of charge) to blow,play it, techniques and etc...Do u know one?
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Author: Melvin
Date: 2005-05-30 15:00
hi Richard can I contact you directly via email about playing dizi? I'm still new to this and am really keen to learn!
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Author: Vivian
Date: 2005-06-05 00:13
I really want to learn to play the di zi too.... I'm looking for like a fingering chart...the ones with pictures of circles coloured and not coloured... that kind.. if you have one... can you send it to ?? Thanks
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Author: Vivian
Date: 2005-06-05 01:57
I just wanted to ask... how do you play the sharps and flats on the Di zi... Thanks
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Author: richard
Date: 2005-06-09 15:35
I haven't look into this forum for the past 3 weeks and sorry for the late reply.
It is difficult for me to teach a beginner to play dizi through a forum like this one. Personal lessons are necessary to explain in detail the embrochure and fingering technique. However I'm in Hong Kong and so it is not possible to do so. All the instruction books in dizi available are all in Chinese and I think I'll translate one of these when I have the time.
Thanks Anders, Melvin and Vivian in asking me questions.
Sorry Anders, I don't know a site with instruction in English.
Melvin, I've already post a dizi fingering chart on the
2nd thread of this topic, you may check it.
Vivian - a dizi can play half tones by cross fingerings. However,the half tones produced are either too flat or too sharp. Moreover, in Chinese Music, there is rarely a sharp or flat in most pieces. The player uses dizi in different keys to avoid playing those sharps and flats when transposing.
Hope this helps.
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Author: Aaron
Date: 2005-06-11 07:33
Thank you for the fingering chart. I am receiving my Dizi flutes here shortly and I look forward to having a musical avenue to study along with my Mandarin Chinese language study for my degree. Your fingering chart will help me very much, and it looks like I will have to order a good book on how to play the Dizi as it appears to be MUCH more difficult than anticipated. Too bad I am just beginning my Mandarin study...otherwise those free sites you mentioned would be spectacular. Perhaps, I will just have to decipher them. :D
Take care!
On another note, as I read through these posts and read how demanding some of them were of you, I want to commend you for your patience in all of them. Exemplary calm reactions.
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Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2005-07-27 06:29
i notice the dizi a few days ago........there are two hole at the end of the flute.......what are those for????
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Author: Myra
Date: 2005-08-13 13:35
Hi Anders,
I'm not too sure what the 2 holes are for at the end of the flute.. but would like to ask too.. if i cover the upper most hole with the dimo, it does give a higher pitch.. but is that the right way of playing?
Btw, my dizi had decorations hanging from it at the last 2 holes. i guess the holes does not really contribute to the sound produced, if not the decorations would have hampered the sound.
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Author: Ya
Date: 2005-09-19 04:16
My friend said they where just to hang stuff from. I just hang my dizi on the wall from those two holes since it does not come apart and no good carrying case came with it. Does anyone have a suggestion where to get a good begginer Dizi I am not too happy with mine I bought one from Lark in the morning.
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Author: Ryah
Date: 2008-08-07 08:43
The chart is given for G scale flute? or does it change depend on the scale.?
Post Edited (2008-08-07 08:44)
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Author: courtneycoles27
Date: 2009-11-29 05:25
hi richard, thank you for the information you post to this thread it is really interesting.... and i like learn on how to play a flute... can you teach me on how to play that......
Post Edited (2009-11-29 05:26)
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