The Bassoon BBoard
Author: C2thew
Date: 2007-03-31 03:51
I just picked one up and am hoping to double on clarinet and bassoon. Anyone have any info on these instruments and what level they are? Bassoons are a total new world to me and i've never played one longer than 5 minutes. I did notice that the bell on the bassoon is yellow and i want to bring back the white ring on it like so many other bassoons; any ideas on how to bring back the color? i've tried putting some clorox bleach just on the ring which didn't do much. it's as if it's been penetrated from the wood (is red)
anyone have any history about moennigs? thanks
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. they are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which was already but too easy to arrive as railroads lead to Boston to New York
-Walden; Henry Thoreau
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Author: Terry Stibal
Date: 2007-03-31 15:13
The yellow bell ring might be a well-aged ring made of ivory. Real ivory hasn't been used for much for the last thirty years (other than folk art objects), so that "yellow" ring may actually be a historic artifact, a relic of an era not to be seen again.
Incidentally, there are all sorts of rule governing ivory sales, but I've never heard of them applying to old pianos, much less bassoons. It would be interesting to hear from an expert as to whether there would be restrictions on musical instrument importing and sales.
(So wonders the guy whose old, second-hand bassoon also has a yellowish-brown bell ring...)
leader of Houston's Sounds Of The South Dance Orchestra
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Author: cairngorm
Date: 2007-04-01 00:47
If it's an old horn it should have an old, yellow ring (unless it's been replaced). I wouldn't worry about it. Denotes wisdom!
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Author: Wes
Date: 2007-04-09 08:04
Horst Moennig worked in Los Angeles at the Baxter Northrup music store, I've heard. He was from the musical Moennig family and was highly respected. I bought an oboe with his name on it which had a very good sound. A Buffet english horn I have has his initials scratched into the back sides of the keys and also has April 1916 Baxter Northrup marked on the double case. Also, I recall that Harry Baxter married a Moennig woman.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2007-04-22 17:36
Pretty much all the plastic bell rings on older European bassoons I've seen have turned yellow or orange due to the type of plastic used and exposure to UV.
Ivory bell rings tend to remain ivory colour, though they can either become loose or split due to the effects of humidity on the maple.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: BassoonWorks
Date: 2008-08-10 05:10
The Moennig family dispersed through the United States and each brother imported instruments from the family business (in Germany). Most just stamped them "Moennig" or "Gebruder Moennig", but Horst chose to have his own stamp made. They are identical to the other Moennigs.
The keywork and quality will depend on the vintage of the instrument. And the bell rings were always ivory. So the yellowing is consistent with its age. The only way to make it white is to either paint it or replace it. INHO not worth the effort so long as it protects the bell (its only purpose).
If properly restored and overhauled, many of these Moennigs can be wonderful instrument often with a rich sound, darker and more modulated than student Foxes. Good luck!
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Author: oldbassoon
Date: 2009-04-19 23:32
Hello, I owned a moennig bassoon many many years ago which was destroyed in a fire. talking about 20+ years ago. moennig = german maker also made oboes, clarinets,etc. more Info on really vintage Instruments has they selling, repair and appraise vinage Bassoons and in business for ages. also can help further. good luck,John
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Author: Mordisquitos
Date: 2010-05-25 17:29
Do not buy from!!!!!
This company has recently changed its name from K.G. Global Inc to Music-Oldtimer Inc. in a filing entered by their accountant Glenn Rosenberg 6 days after they received a judgment of approximately $3000 against them in Philadelphia small claims court. I was forced to take them to court only after exhausting all other avenues available to me, including the BBB complaint system, the FL Division of Consumer Services, FL Atty General's office, even the FBI's Internet Fraud Dept. Almost a full year after making the original purchase of a bassoon from them, and returning it as agreed, they attempted to send it back to me when I requested a waiver of shipping on a replacement because the original was far worse than described. They are now not only refusing to pay the judgment against them, but are going as far as to change their name in an attempt to EVADE THEIR LIABILITIES, which is a serious crime. Please do yourself a favor, and stay VERY far away from this business. I should have done so myself when I heard they don't accept credit cards or Paypal, despite their business being almost exclusively sustained through online purchases. That way when they have your money you have no recourse but to take them to court when they refuse to refund your money even when you follow their policies to the letter. Buyers BEWARE.
Here are some more complaints posted on the Internet by others who had more or less the same problem as me:
(sorry, this last one's in German)
Don't be next!!!!
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Author: samson45
Date: 2010-07-20 01:56
its good to here but i don't know how to use the the instrument....did i ask how to use the bassoon..???its terefic to here that i want to use the clarinet and the bassoon....
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