Author: vboboe
Date: 2006-11-25 18:12
...IMO 'safe exchange' is always appropriate, mentally healthy, a respectful courtesy, and socially responsible -- sore throat experience is a good example of when should have used sanitizing product to dip the reed in that exchange, or always the better option, use another reed altogether and either given/sold it away, or sanitize it later for own use again
... if not already on kissing terms with the other person, sanitize before & after reed exchange, sanitizing product dip 'n' swish with fresh water rinse after seems suitable enough, even if the biological reality doesn't support the socially polite gesture!
... IMO, if one isn't sick or have chronic pre-condition such as compromised immune system or convalescing from surgery or recovering normal healthy body functions after coming off medication, everyday maintenance of reeds doesn't need additional fussy cleaning or extra overkill sanitation, if the following practices are always part of one's daily routine:
- oral hygiene is scrupulous before playing any reed
- reeds are rinsed after playing in fresh warm tap water (which has residual disinfectant agent used in the water plant still in it)
- yes, my reed is my reed, your reed is your reed
If these things aren't part of daily practice, it's the human that needs fussier fixing, not the reed :-}