Author: EuGeneSee
Date: 2006-08-03 16:41
There are a number of sellers on eBay that have music available for small ensembles . . . just try eBay advanced searches under terms like Band Music, Ensemble Music, Quintet Music, Concert Band Music, Marching Band Music, etc. Also, try the preceding using words like Score, Parts, Chart, etc. in place of Music. I find lots of music for our community band that way, and many of the sellers that list full band music also have music for small woodwind/brass combos & ensembles of various types.
Golly, I see lots of that stuff on eBay.
You also might check with the Chatfield Brass Band Lending Library (81 Library Lane, P.O. Box 578, Chatfield, MN 55923). They have thousands of scores of all types that you can check out (membership is $25 per year). They also get music from all over the country by the ton and sell a lot of excess & duplicates on eBay under the name cbblib.
There is a lot of stuff out there you can use . . . good luck tracking it down.