I am happy to find a BB which seem to be active... and with oboe players
We all dream to have real support when we have specific questions.
I am an "old" oboist... and with some years of practice, not a pro, but an "correct" amateur
The issue that I have since a few days... is that my middle C# (C#5), is "difficult" to play... a little "dark", not very loud, and difficult to have a great attack on the note... (specially if first note to play).
C#5 fingering I use is the "normal" one :
½23 456 C#
(½ refers to left index finger with semi hole open)
I don't see anything that is not correct... and don't find what tuning/screw that I can move a bit to improve that.
Do you have any idea of what can happen... of what can I try to solve that ?