Author: A_person13
Date: 2006-02-17 13:53
"got first 'nice tone' comments 7 months after starting, but went through very sharp pitched & shrill 'drac bite' phase for about as long again, it's sounding sweeter more often now at 17-18 months"
Well thanks for answering to the question the thread was really inteded for,but I like the advice to by the way.
Just wondering,when do you know to change the hardness of your reed?Sometimes I feel my medium soft reed is a bit soft,and I end up squeezing it too easily.I find that it is much easier when the reed is a little harder,but I dont really want to waste money if the medium is way too hard for me.
Also,what is the "left-hand f?"Ive heard many times,but I can't seem to find it on my oboe.Anyone know the fingering of that,or what keys I need for that?