Author: A_person13
Date: 2006-02-16 01:39
Well,,its not actually my mouth that has spit,it's the reed.It's either its way too soak,or spit comes to the reed and it makes my mouth slip.(By the way,I do have a film canister to soak my reed.)
And the "less pressure" thing,I mean less pressure on the reed(like squeezing the reed with my mouth).Speaking of pressure,I have a hard time playing my lower notes.I try to not put any pressure on the reed at all,but it likes to jump to the higher octave.Any help on this?
I officially hate D-flats,e-flats,and low notes,since I ended doing quite a horrible job on a playing test we did.Ah well,luckily,my friends were quite nice when saying I didnt play that well.