Author: jhoyla
Date: 2018-02-19 12:25
It varies from instrument to instrument. There is a tiny vertical diamond slit in the bottom of the half-hole well. The shape, size and height of this slit affects the C# more than any other note.
I have exactly the problem you describe on my Loree, but you will find that the more you lower the key, the more in tune the raised-finger C# will sound.
My previous repair guy was able to improve C# on my Loree using a tiny diamond-shaped probe or file he got from the manufacturer, but it is still worse than my strasser.
On the Strasser, a repair guy (in 1980, or thereabouts) removed the diamond with a drill thinking it was a manufacturing error. I fitted a tiny sliver of cork inside the donut-shaped cork under the key, and all of a sudden it worked wonderfully - but I don't reccommend you try this at home.