The Oboe BBoard
Author: Chris P
Date: 2016-06-15 14:59
The Legeres take a slightly different embouchure compared to cane reeds, so you'll have to experiment to see what works best for you.
I had to change my sax chops when I went over to Legeres on bari, but the pay-off has been great as they don't squeak like cane reeds do. I'm considering using them across the board on saxes and clarinets.
So I'm going to see how I can get the most from their oboe reeds by having a different approach to them.
Due to the very different nature of both cane and plastics, they can't really be played in exactly the same way.
It's still early days, so give them and yourself time to get accustomed to each other.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
rgombine |
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jhoyla |
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rgombine |
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Re: seeking advice from short scrape players new |
Chris P |
2016-06-15 14:59 |
wkleung |
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rgombine |
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wkleung |
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fromsfca |
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matt_lin18 |
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