Author: jhoyla
Date: 2016-06-15 12:19
I is a long time since I played on long-scrape, but there are certainly differences in embouchure.
For American scrape reeds I would barely seal around the tip, and all my control would come from the air; with short-scrape, the lips play more of an active role - you seal firmly with a small amount of lip-pressure, while still staying very flexible.
I can (and do) roll the reed in and out as needed, but the range is shorter - in other words, I always play close to the tip, and sometimes even closer That is all I remember about the differences.
Legere recommend modifying the opening of their bassoon reeds using hot water - google this and learn from the bassoonists before you try anything!!
Also, it is probably a good idea to confirm this is doable with Legere before you try. Facebook is probably the best place for this - they seem to be pretty responsive over there, since it is their "shop window".