Author: oboi
Date: 2015-02-27 13:18
I tie with my left hand, so I mirror everything that my teacher (right-handed) does. If you look top down at the tip of the reed, my wrap goes counterclockwise. I slip the top blade to the left, under the (my) presumption that when I wrap, the thread catches (viewing the reed on its side, the tip at the left, the staple at the right) the left edge of the top blade, wanting to push it back to an unsliped position, and therefore sealing the top blade against the bottom blade. I am no expert on this and sometimes don't even bother with a slip. But this is how I tie and how I rationalize what I'm doing.
I happen to have a reed now which I have tied too loosely (seems like it happens whenever I use silk thread). If I hold down tightly on the thread and try to rotate the thread in the direction that I tie, I can see the blades close. If I rotate in the other direction, it slips grotesquely (top blade to the left, bottom blade to the right). So I assume that's what happens when I'm actually tying, the counterclockwise wrap action forcing the reed back to unsliped/closed/locking position.