Author: jhoyla
Date: 2015-02-27 12:53
Whoo, Graham. That's a lot of words for a pretty simple thing, but yes. I followed your description and it seems to jibe very well with my wrapping technique.
I do not disagree with Cooper - I have bought reeds from him in the past and I keep old pro reeds as examples, so I have one of Cooper's reeds right here.
Cooper, whatever hand he uses, wraps in the opposite direction to me; He also slips his blades in the opposite direction to me. Looking down on the tip, my thread wraps anti-clockwise, and Cooper's is clockwise. I slip my top blade to the left and he, to the right.
Looking dead-on at one blade of my reed (tip upwards) I can just make out the edge of the rear blade on the right-hand side; For Cooper's reed, I can just make out the edge of the rear blade down the left-hand side. In both cases the slip is minuscule, almost non-existent - which is what I strive for when tying a reed.