Author: ptarmiganfeather
Date: 2015-02-08 12:12
Wow sounds like it's easy to become involved in lots of groups.
Even here in rural Alaska I could easily fill my week with musical commitments. Band nite, orchestra for the south valley one day, north valley the next, church, and whatever Easter group wants to play and BAM my week is full, if I chose to play in all the groups. Of course, all are for fun.
All of these winter time venues are far away, like 45 minutes minimum. So I commit to the band and love it. It's worth every late night drive home worried about hitting a moose or driving through snow. We have had a good winter so far, and roads are decent.
Then summer hits and we get all lots of daylight and everyone seems to drop their musical instruments for (fill in the blank more promising endeavor) outdoor activity.
I wish we had a more musical community in my small town. We don't and it saddens me.