Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2015-02-06 18:01
I was an exclusive band-ite for many, many husband did a wind band conducting Masters when we were in the US so we've done the band thing together for years - him as a conductor, me as a librarian/committee member/player. I have played in most of the metropolitan bands in my state, on various instruments but mostly oboe.
I found that here in Australia (well, Western Australia for sure), band becomes too time consuming because we do a lot of commemorative outdoor gigs (which is not so good for oboe!) Every band will do Australia Day citizenship ceremonies (it's normally about 110F here on Oz Day), we have ANZAC Day dawn services, numerous Christmas carol gigs (it's summer then, so that's outside too). Additionally, we would do three concert seasons as well. Orchestra - three or four Sunday concerts a year, no more.
These days I play regularly in one orchestra, sub for another and I am about to start a quintet with some community orch friends. I attend an amateur orchestra/chamber camp in the summer.
I miss band, I am a bandy at heart, but orchestra suits my lifestyle better these days.