Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2014-10-05 07:58
Hi Barry,
I played a few Fox oboes in the US. They are true oboes, even scale, bullet proof construction, good sound. We don't see them in Australia, unfortunately, but you might want to send an email to Peter Musson who is Australia's direct importer of Fox Renard bassoons, if you are interested. I will likely purchase a used Fox as a backup plastic from the US.
The Selmer is okay in terms of construction, as long as you don't care about tone or tuning. :P
Jupiter flutes are quite nice, and Jupiter clarinets do the job. I am yet to see a Jupiter oboe in the flesh, but my experience with Jupiter on the whole is that the keywork can be a little too flexible.
The rest I would consider OSOs (Oboe Shaped Objects). I have seen too many Chinese flutes and clarinets in my teaching career, and seen the result of only a year's playing on them, to endorse any of these brands just yet.
If you are looking for cheaper plastic oboes, definitely give the new K.Ge oboe a try. I just played through them all at ADRS and was suitably impressed, and they start from around $AU2400. Ozwinds in Melbourne carries them, and you can buy direct (they are a Chinese/Australian company, Martin Lee is the Australian contact). I'd like to think that a company like K.Ge has too much at stake to risk endorsing a terrible instrument.