Author: Poetry
Date: 2014-01-17 17:07
I'm impressed by how thorough and positive your answers are. I really hadn't expected anyone to answer this quickly and with such nice posts
I can really use all your advice and it just makes my want to give it a try, so much more!
I really do think oboe is my instrument, I've always been so intrigued by it, but where I lived before it wasn't possible to find a teacher.
I do feel very confident in musical theory and classical music, so that should be the least of my problems. I think my major problem will be coping with not being very good in the beginning. I hate that because I really want to play amazing music, but I know only practising will help that.
JCR: That's really inspiring. Soon I'll start studying, so 6-8 hours a day won't be possible. Around 3 times a day might be realistic.
Then I only need to find myself a good instrument, which is quite a challenge, as oboe is not the most common instrument in DK and there usually aren't a lot of used ones for sale. I would want to play a wood one from the start.