Author: Oboe Craig
Date: 2012-09-21 23:19
Your problem must be common to many oboe performers. It certainly has hit me.
In my case, I kinda thought it might be God objecting to an agnostic performing there on Sunday. (Think carefully about that, and it will define agnostic...:))
A large green cicada or preying mantis swooped down from the rafters during a church performance in Va. years ago and landed on my right cheek. Right in the middle of an oboe solo with organ piece.
Then the little green monster started crawling slowly up my face. It was all I could do to hold it together and certainly added some shakiness to my vibrato and phrasing.
The antiphonal choir across the room could see it and had looks of horror on their faces as I struggled to complete the piece. A break sweat happened, the only one I can remember, and I was soaking wet, through and through within 30 seconds.
It is an amazing memory.
Afterwards, the church organist/conductor asked why I did not simply stop and swipe the bug away. We could have easily restarted he said, and also it was only a piece of music, not life and death.
I have never forgotten how that felt and not yet had the chance to test his theory.
Perhaps ala a Forrest Gump scenario....'bugs happen'.
Post Edited (2012-09-23 19:44)