Author: GoodWinds ★2017
Date: 2012-09-17 18:30
I guess because I lived in AFrica and the bugs were MUCH larger than here, I can weigh in on this.
Large bugs usually are not going to bite, the exception being black flies whose bite is very painful because their jaws literally rip your skin open. So I would advise that you train yourself to just ignore any crawley things while you play. You could have someone use a feather or similar device to tickle your arm/face during a practice session.
I guess I would call this 'detachment', ignoring funny sensations while you do a task. I suffer from a neurologic illness and have regular 'sensations' in parts of my body while I play, everything from dizziness to crawly feelings in my feet or arm. MOST of the time I'm successful in ignoring it until I have enough of a break to brush away any real bugs.
Let us know how you succeed with this.