Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2012-03-10 19:43
Right you are, as usual, Chris! And thank you for weighing in. That is what I was hoping for!
And now, I would also like to say a public thank you to Alvin Swiney, of Richmond, VA, who has been maintaining my oboes for me the past couple of years.
Alvin responded very promptly to my panicked phone call, and walked me through the fixes he himself would have tried. He called it "whack therapy". Involves a screwdriver and a hammer. Not something you would want to try at home, kids, without someone knowledgeable guiding you.
But, mirabile dictu, the keys are free! Especially nice on a program that involves four sharps in the key signature . . .
Tonight's program:
Brahms First Symphony, first movement
William Walton, Concerto for Viola and Orchestra
Gyula David, Viola Concerto
Oh, yeah! It's gonna be a GOOD time tonight. Thanks again, Chris.