Author: vboboe
Date: 2005-10-17 07:09
specific answers? what's your own self-analysis survey telling you?
... i don't know either way if there's a tendency, specifically, on cresc dim on oboe because i think it all depends on each player's embouchure at the moment, how well player is feeling, ability to manage reed, air volume & pressure, player's focus and experience with acquired ability to keep notes in tune anyway ... and probably the weather as well
early last year with my beginning embouchure i initially thought i was having trouble coming up to pitch. A bit later when i got the tuner i found i was playing way too sharp. Now a year later, i'm practising specifically on training myself to hold my notes down, because embouchure is both stronger and more flexible now (ready for it)
Each long note is shaped with cresc dim but because i'm focused on holding the note to the little green light for that particular exercise only (and training my ear to hear that note specifically) embouchure adjusts to air pressure and i'm still focused on holding the note ... but still find i personally go sharp far more easily than flat ... and especially when i run low on breath
It's training the muscles to hold the position and when they get fatigued that's when it goes off
when i lower jaw, a lot more than i'm presently comfortable with or capable of maintaining, that helps me play flatter, any dynamic
closed mouth inside (biting or just closing up the jaw) definitely increases tendency to go sharp and stay very sharp, any dynamic
... other than previous post outlining notes of general flatness on the oboe, and a higher percentage likelihood of playing sharp rather than flat generally, i think the specific answers you're looking for depend considerably on individual player factors on this particular instrument, so it's seems more important to know yourself