Author: JMarzluf
Date: 2011-06-21 05:03
BE CAREFUL folks! If you are insuring your instruments through a "rider" on your home-owners or renters policy, they DO NOT (typically) cover your instruments if you are playing them professionally. And yes, they will check, if you have to file a claim. If you are playing at church for fifty bucks and a choir member knocks over your oboe, that counts as professional activity and you are not covered. There are likely to be many additional limitations to this type of coverage.
Clarion is a great choice, as they are geared toward professional musicians, and they understand the risks involved. I'm not a sales person. I, personally, do use a rider on my renters' plan, but it does provide coverage specifically for professional use (I use USAA/Great American, available only to U.S. veterans). This is certainly not the norm!
Any insurance is too expensive if you can't successfully file a claim when you need to. I don't mean to strike fear into anyone's heart -- just make sure you check this out with your carrier.