Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2011-03-24 15:12
Hautbois Francais, it feels like i am talking to a local here! Where are you currently residing in and are you a professional musician? Do you mind if i ask of your age? I am curious as to which generation you are from. I myself is from Kota Kinabalu. WOW!
The admission criteria of the Conservatory depends on where you are from, but basically, English and playing ability are the most important, for some countries they insist for A-levels but when i applied 4 years ago such a rule didn't exist still.
Thanks again for your compliments. From everyone's feedback i do know that it can still be much better improved, other than the other obvious setbacks like intonation and so on. Swee Lee still exists today, absolutely, but deals completely with string instruments now i believe.
You sound like a very interesting person whom i would be very curious to meet.